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Central Iowa Music Lab Policies

We believe that a consistent lesson, class, and attendance schedule is incredibly important in the continual progress of our students and our goal is for our day to day (or week to week!) operation to reflect this! 

At CIML, we feel that ‘a couple of trial lessons’ is really just not enough for a student (of any age) to get a feel for whether they may like something that could be completely foreign to them. So much of these lessons can also be the instructor, with which they could end up with someone different when switching from trial to scheduled lessons. Due to this, we do not offer trial lessons and require a minimum commitment of 3 months for any new or transfer lessons. This includes students switching instruments/instructors.

Registration fees and lump sum payments are charged at the time lessons are set up. All monthly lesson charges after this point will be billed on the first of each month.

Membership fee structure for 30 minute lessons:

$30 registration fee. A minimum commitment of 3 months is required. No exceptions.

The initial 3 month period has two payment options:

-$450 lump sum OR

-$160/mo for the first 3 months

After the initial 3 month period, your student will automatically move into our ‘ongoing’ student model and fees will be lowered. Fees will be as follows:

-$145/mo, charged on the first of each month. If we are unsuccessful in drawing your payment, a late fee will be applied for each week that your account is in default (this includes previous late fees).

-$5 processing fee for each month/additional transaction. This will be waived if ACH is chosen as the payment method (vs credit/debit).

Cancellation/Termination policies:

Thank you for your commitment to weekly lessons/classes. We assume that the day/time assigned for your lesson or class works for you the majority of the time. If a student must miss a lesson, please let the instructor know as soon as possible. Make up lessons will not be guaranteed, however, if the instructor has another opening within the week and is given enough notice, they may be able to ‘swap’ two students.  The instructor may also be able to point the student to some prerecorded or online materials to help enhance their learning during the week that a lesson may be missed. Our system allows for easier virtual communication and upload of videos from instructor to student. Please note, many of our instructors work full time jobs in addition to teaching at CIML. They commit to being at work during a specific timeframe each week, similarly to other jobs and therefore are not required to schedule make up lessons outside of that time frame. We want to do what we can to honor their commitments to providing for and spending time with their families and friends. If the instructor must cancel your lesson, they will do their best to offer a make-up or provide appropriate online material for them to work on. If they are unable to do so, or the offered make up doesn’t work in your schedule, we will add a credit to your account once the month has ended.  Thank you for understanding.

Termination of Lessons:

For students enrolled after 5/13/24

(If enrolled 5/13/24 or before, click here:)

Though we hate to see you go, we understand that sometimes it’s necessary. We must receive your cancellation form, completed in full, by the 5th of the month that you wish to be your final month. Prior to turning in this notice, your account must be paid up to date. If we receive notice prior to the final billing, this billing must process as planned. If we receive your notice on the 6th of the month, the following month will be your final. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. You may access the form here:

At this time, there is no option to 'pause' lessons for any reason, including extended vacations, sports seasons, etc. If a family determines that a student will not be able to attend lessons for an extended amount of time, they may choose to terminate at that time and re-enroll at a later date. The policies above will still need followed.

Virtual lessons:

Thanks to the pandemic times we’ve been living in over the last couple of years, our instructors are well-versed in teaching over the internet. This is something that we ask all teachers to be in communication about and all families to be prepared to switch to, if needed. We understand that some simply learn best in person, and we strive to do this the majority of the time. We would like to be able to offer a temporary online lesson, where possible, as an option for families when at illness within a home or icky winter weather prevents a student or instructor from coming to lessons, but they are otherwise able to meet at the agreed-upon time.

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